
July 16, 2013

In Limbo

colourless world
the hues left behind
in memories…

an incomplete dream
pricking at the eyes
and flowing away...

an unfinished story
at a crossroad
waiting to end...

trying to move on
but unable to
life in limbo…


Meera Sundararajan said...

Lovely...!! Archana, I never knew you were a poet.. Want more of this!

Archana said...

Thanks Meera, I don't consider myself as a poet. Just my musings and an attempt to give form to my thoughts :-), though not always succeeding. I love the way your writings just seem to follow the flow of your thoughts. I wish I could write like that. Read a lot of what you wrote and just loved it all. Keep writing.

anilkurup59 said...

well at least imaginations are not in limbo.