
September 8, 2021




Each time you made a promise

Anticipation took me to a world

Of expectation, a world of hope

Where wishes came true

And dreams became real

Where there was always something

To look forward to…..


Passing time……frequent reminders….

But never happening….

Just putting me off….

With more words….more hope…

Saying the right things

At the right time

Without meaning them…..


Yet I clung on….finding excuses…

Wanting to believe you…

But unable to….as the distance

Between your words and your actions

Kept growing….and I realized

What is important to me

Is not as important to you…..


I heard the noiseless tinkling

Of my illusions shattering

Destroying my faith in your promises

Hurting badly….and finally letting go

Of my trust in your empty words….

Afraid to hope…..afraid to believe

In your words anymore….