
June 26, 2011

My First Born

You came into my life
When I least expected it
You made me feel needed
As I had never felt before
You helped me steady myself
As I drifted along in life
You helped me hold on
And gave me a reason to live….

Your smile lit up my life
And I lived for you –
Your spontaneous hugs
And unconditional love
Your gave me the priceless identity
Of being a ‘mother’ – your mother
And I felt so proud
To have you as my son….

My inexperience while bringing you up
May have hurt you at times
I may not have always
Understood you or your needs
But I have only wanted
You to be happy always
And have tried my best
To do what is best for you….

In temperament and taste
We do seem alike, and
I often see myself in you…
Trying to hide your fear
And hurt behind your anger…
Trying to act brave
And not letting anybody see
How afraid you are inside…

Now you have grown up
And sprouted your wings
You want to try them out
Chaffing at the bonds which hold you
Restless with the restraints imposed,
You are impatient at having to stay
Wanting so badly to just
Fly far away and be free…

But you are still my child
And I worry, afraid you might fall
Scared you might get hurt
By the selfishness and hostility around
Its so hard to let you go alone
Into the dangerous world outside
Knowing how precious you are to me
But not to anyone else out there…..

I know you are brave and fearless
And don’t give up without a fight
I also know you will make it
To wherever you want to go
You will reach your goal
And stand up tall and proud
You will rise from your ashes
My wonderful, blazing phoenix!!

Whatever you do
Wherever you go
You will always be
A part of me….
My son…..
My First Born…..