
June 24, 2012

Facebook Life

Leading two lives
On a parallel track
A real life with its daily grind
And a virtual life… on Facebook

Where routine and monotony
Blends into the ideal life…
Where life is seemingly perfect
All are happy families…

Where it is as wonderful
As we want it to be…
Where there are no problems
No tensions, everything is great…

Where photographs are posted
For likes, shares and comments…
Where envy is invoked by
Perfect pictures of perfect vacations..

Where the number of your friends
Is a measure of your popularity…
Where opinions of strangers and
Obscure ‘friends’ matter more….

Where reminders remind us
Of birthdays and anniversaries…
Where we can talk about things
Without really having to mean them…

Where our life is an open book
With selected chapters on display….
Where we reveal only what we
Want others to see…

Where we feel that all others are
Getting a better deal than us….
Where we are forced to read statuses
Whether interested or not…

Where we can give our opinion
On anything and everything…
Where sharing is more easier
Than something original to say….

Where we sit with our green light on
Waiting for someone to chat to….
Where we talk mostly to ourselves
And imagine people are listening….

Where we spend so much of our time
As life passes us by….

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