
July 10, 2013

Out of place


I find myself so out of place
in a frenzied world always on the go…
people afraid to sit still…
scared of silence, with no desire to be
alone with their thoughts…
talking about a lot of things
inconsequential facts and figures….
making a lot of noise with words
having no depth or meaning….
the mad rush to reach somewhere
do something, be someone….
with no time to spend or spare
for things that really matter…

How I wish I could just walk away
from this dramatic show of life
into a world of shadowy light
filled with magic and mystery
birdsong and balmy silence
surrounded by rustling trees
glistening with misty vapours
where time is in no hurry to
meet deadlines or reach goals
 to just stand and look around without
the need to rush about, trying to fit in
a world where I do not belong..
happy to be alone… and be myself..

1 comment:

anilkurup59 said...

This si something many of us would want , long for. Well penned.