
May 26, 2013

Hold on

I committed a sin the day I was born
I was born a girl……

Brought up to fit a mould
Of duties and expectations
Put down for giving opinions
Humiliated for having desires
Learning the art of self sacrifice
In the hope of being loved…

Like a puppet on a string
Turning this way and that
Following choices already made
Without the freedom to choose…
Going through expected motions
With emotions locked inside

In a life where nothing is mine
I have my dreams to hold on to
Dreams of making a difference…
Dreams of hope and love…
I send them out into the world
To be broken and trampled upon

Yet they come back smiling
As I refuse to give up and let them go…


deeps said...

to me it doesnt really good, esply the first line

Anonymous said...

Great poem. So true...

Archana said...

Didn't quite understand what you meant, deeps.

Thank you Wanda for understanding.