
December 21, 2013


memories flickering through
the mists of forgetfulness
flashing sporadically, like
fireflies dancing in the night

slipping a net over them
in a vain bid to hold on
but slithering through the mesh
that my mind had become....

trying desperately to bring
them back by clinging on
struggling to recollect...gasping
for the air of remembrance

names and faces blurring
thoughts churning restlessly
vague recollections of events
distorted by time and space

as if looking at
someone else's life
the fog rolling over and
blotting out the views

losing myself slowly
the people, the events
that made up my life
drifting away from me

moving into blankness
alone and terrified
with my sense of self
wiped out by time....


July 16, 2013

In Limbo

colourless world
the hues left behind
in memories…

an incomplete dream
pricking at the eyes
and flowing away...

an unfinished story
at a crossroad
waiting to end...

trying to move on
but unable to
life in limbo…

July 10, 2013

Out of place


I find myself so out of place
in a frenzied world always on the go…
people afraid to sit still…
scared of silence, with no desire to be
alone with their thoughts…
talking about a lot of things
inconsequential facts and figures….
making a lot of noise with words
having no depth or meaning….
the mad rush to reach somewhere
do something, be someone….
with no time to spend or spare
for things that really matter…

How I wish I could just walk away
from this dramatic show of life
into a world of shadowy light
filled with magic and mystery
birdsong and balmy silence
surrounded by rustling trees
glistening with misty vapours
where time is in no hurry to
meet deadlines or reach goals
 to just stand and look around without
the need to rush about, trying to fit in
a world where I do not belong..
happy to be alone… and be myself..

June 26, 2013


Loving people who have
No need of my love…
Seeking my happiness
In keeping others happy…
Getting hurt trying
Not to hurt anyone…

Hiding my suffering
Under a mask of anger…
Always misunderstood
For speaking out…
Attempting to hold on
When tempted to give up…

Locking it all away
In my own box of pain…
Unwittingly opening it
When overwhelmed
Or in despair….
Like Pandora…

June 18, 2013

At peace

Feeling so strange
disconnected and adrift
No longer having
the urge to talk
or open up to anyone
comfortable in the
silence of my solitude….

Taking a good look
at my own self
through my eyes
accepting what I am
not what I appear to be
Without presuming….
Without thinking…

Listening to the
voice of my heart
feeling the pulse
of my soul...
No longer tied
to the beliefs
of others….

Rejoicing in my
Rising beyond
my limitations…
Finally at peace
with my thoughts
….and myself….

June 10, 2013

In such a place...

It probably would be something
like this….the place

where I go to…deep
inside me….when I need to
get in touch with myself…
Where I can be alone
without ever being lonely….

Where I hear the silence speak
and feel the solitude seep in
soothing my thoughts…as they
dart here and there like
restless birds in flight….

Where I remove the cloak
worn in the outside world
and unleash myself to
the dancing winds…
the cleansing rains…

Where I sense the energy
flowing into me from
within….as my spirit soars..
one with the stillness
of the earth and the sky….

In such a place as this….

May 26, 2013

Hold on

I committed a sin the day I was born
I was born a girl……

Brought up to fit a mould
Of duties and expectations
Put down for giving opinions
Humiliated for having desires
Learning the art of self sacrifice
In the hope of being loved…

Like a puppet on a string
Turning this way and that
Following choices already made
Without the freedom to choose…
Going through expected motions
With emotions locked inside

In a life where nothing is mine
I have my dreams to hold on to
Dreams of making a difference…
Dreams of hope and love…
I send them out into the world
To be broken and trampled upon

Yet they come back smiling
As I refuse to give up and let them go…

January 9, 2013


How I wish….
There was someone…..

To whom I could run
With all my problems….
Who would take charge
And tell me not to worry….
With whom I needn’t pretend
To be strong always…..
In whose comforting arms
I could cry my hurts away….
Who would allay my fears
About what is right or wrong….
Who would help me take decisions
By sorting out my confusions…
To whom I could just talk
About anything and everything…..
With whom I could share
My ideas, thoughts and feelings….
Who cared enough
To spare some time for me…..
Who would surprise me
With little displays of affection….
Who would make me laugh
And just be there for me…..
Who would appreciate
The little ways I show I care….
Who would trust me
And share things with me….
Who would just hug me
For no reason at all….
Who would pamper me
The way I long to be…..
Who thought I was special
Just the way I am….

How I wish….
For someone…….somewhere......