
March 22, 2018

Moving out

As I move out of your life

Into my own….all that remains

A rumpled bedcover….

The Eternal Question

Life's full of questions
As we ponder its meaning..
and purpose....

We go through the motions
of living...or what we consider
to be living....
with a beginning and
a definite end...
the presence of breath
and the absence of it...
being the deciding factor

Is that all life is about?
the journey from birth to death
as if all that happened 
in between.... is not real.......
Is there a cosmic plan?
Do we play our parts
pulled as puppets on strings?
or is it just a dream?

The happiness that we feel...
the heartaches we go through....
the search for love....
the need to belong....
Do they remain after we move on
or do they also end with us?
Do we leave behind nothing
but memories......

Unanswered eternal questions.....

photo courtesy -

February 22, 2018

Still Waiting

I remember those summer evenings after school
Dashing into the house to change
And dashing out again to play
The basketball court beckoned to us……..

A place to meet…to play…
To be part of a team….to grow…
To win….to lose….to learn…
To be there for each other…..

      The thump of energetic feet
Keeping pace with the dribbling ball
Playing in the spirit of the game
The constant challenge to net the ball

The gleeful laughter, the disappointed sighs
The failures, the euphoric highs
The battles won and lost, the lessons learnt…….
More valuable than school

Today it stands silent and alone….
Waiting for children who never come
Looking at the sky and bemoaning
The early loss of childhood…..

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