
June 26, 2013


Loving people who have
No need of my love…
Seeking my happiness
In keeping others happy…
Getting hurt trying
Not to hurt anyone…

Hiding my suffering
Under a mask of anger…
Always misunderstood
For speaking out…
Attempting to hold on
When tempted to give up…

Locking it all away
In my own box of pain…
Unwittingly opening it
When overwhelmed
Or in despair….
Like Pandora…

June 18, 2013

At peace

Feeling so strange
disconnected and adrift
No longer having
the urge to talk
or open up to anyone
comfortable in the
silence of my solitude….

Taking a good look
at my own self
through my eyes
accepting what I am
not what I appear to be
Without presuming….
Without thinking…

Listening to the
voice of my heart
feeling the pulse
of my soul...
No longer tied
to the beliefs
of others….

Rejoicing in my
Rising beyond
my limitations…
Finally at peace
with my thoughts
….and myself….

June 10, 2013

In such a place...

It probably would be something
like this….the place

where I go to…deep
inside me….when I need to
get in touch with myself…
Where I can be alone
without ever being lonely….

Where I hear the silence speak
and feel the solitude seep in
soothing my thoughts…as they
dart here and there like
restless birds in flight….

Where I remove the cloak
worn in the outside world
and unleash myself to
the dancing winds…
the cleansing rains…

Where I sense the energy
flowing into me from
within….as my spirit soars..
one with the stillness
of the earth and the sky….

In such a place as this….